Your Catastrophe Plan


Protect Your Home and Your Family During a Natural Disaster
Being prepared for a natural disaster is the best way to protect yourself and your family. Spend some time talking with your family about what to do if a natural disaster struck your area, then practice various scenarios so everyone knows what to do.

These natural disaster preparation tips can help:

Sign up for severe weather alerts for your area.
Identify escape routes from your home and neighborhood, and designate an emergency meeting place for your family to gather. Remember that in large disasters, major roads could be blocked or destroyed.
Make certain all adult and teenage members of the family know where your gas, electric and water main shut-off controls are and how to turn them off if there's a leak or electrical short. Keep the necessary wrenches close by.
Learn about your workplace's natural disaster preparedness plans and the plans at your children's schools or day-care centers.
Consider getting training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid.
Develop a detailed list of your possessions now because many of them could be destroyed during a loss.
Go through your house room by room.
Note the quantities and values of each item, serial numbers and purchase dates.
Take photos or videos of your things to help document them.
The Insurance Information Institute and both offer software to help you keep track of your items.
Consider purchasing a whole-house surge protector. These devices can protect your home if lightning strikes.
Remember your pets. Don’t keep them outside during a catastrophe.
Things to do if you have time:

Fill you car with gas
Establish a contact point to communicate with concerned relatives
Taking time to create your natural disaster preparedness plan could make a big difference to your family. You can find tips for specific catastrophes throughout this section.