gregscheerinsuranceadmin's blog

Key Person Insurance

Many businesses have a shining star – whether that person is the founder, an amazing salesperson or an innovative thinker. What would happen if that talent were lost?

A key person life insurance policy from Nationwide® may help make sure your company never has to find out.


Retain Key Employees With Life Insurance-Based Strategies

Do your key employees feel rewarded and appreciated? That can be an important factor in employee retention. As a decision-maker, you can implement several insurance-based strategies to show key players that you recognize their value.

Some of the plans focus on retirement planning, while others may involve succession planning. The most typical strategies include:


Pandemic Flu

Find flu pandemic preparation tips to help protect your home and your family
In April 2009, the World Health Organization reported 38 cases of the H1N1 influenza virus. A month later, the number ballooned to 11,000. This pandemic outbreak has killed thousands of people since its inception, so it’s important to help protect your family with these flu pandemic preparation tips.

Stay well with good health and hygiene
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services recommends you follow this pandemic flu protection advice to stay healthy:



Be prepared for a power outage blackout in your area
There's thunder, there's lightning, then all of a sudden there’s a power blackout.

Power outage, lack of electricity and fear can combine to do heavy damage to your property if you aren't ready for them. By following the power blackout tips below, you can help save your food and property if a disaster were to occur.



Since a landslide can happen any time, make sure you know these landslide safety facts
Anyone who's spent time in the mountains can appreciate the beautiful scenery that accompanies them; however, that scenery also comes with the potential for hazardous landslide disasters.

Following these landslide prevention tips can help protect your family, your property and yourself.

For your home
The best time to make sure your home is stable for landslides is when you're remodeling. Consider taking steps to help with landslide prevention:


Extreme Heat

Be prepared with tips about heat exhaustion treatment and heat stroke treatment
Summer is a great time to go swimming and enjoy the sun, but this comes with caution. Extreme heat − or five days in a row of temperatures that are 9 degrees above normal − can cause dangerous health issues. However, you can plan ahead to protect yourself and your family.

For your home
Consider making these changes to your home to keep it cool during hot weather:



Learn these hail safety tips to help you stay safe during severe weather
Hail can occur in any strong thunderstorm, with chunks of ice falling at 120 mph, even in the summer. The size of the hail can range from the size of a pea to the size of a grapefruit.

When hail hits, it can shred roof coverings and lead to water damage to your ceilings, walls, floors, appliances and personal possessions. Just one hailstorm in Kansas City in 2001 caused an estimated $2 billion in damages, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


Winter Weather

A little winter preparation can save you time and money during the coldest months
Winter weather can be dangerous for people who are unprepared. Seventy percent of winter storm deaths are automobile-related, and one-fourth of fatalities are the result of individuals caught in a storm.

You can prepare for winter weather conditions by following these helpful winter preparation tips.

For your home
Since winter weather conditions can appear quickly, it's important to keep plenty of food and general supplies on hand.



Use these wildfire safety tips to help you protect your home
Few people realize that when they move to the edges of wilderness, they move into the domain of wildfires. Even though you may live in a thoroughly contemporary suburb, if you can look away into open country, brush or deep woods, you're vulnerable during hot and dry seasons.



An earthquake plan can save you time and money in the event of a catastrophe
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, 100 damage-causing earthquakes happen every year throughout the world. A low-magnitude earthquake can shake household items off their shelves, but a high-magnitude force can collapse buildings for miles.

Scientists cannot predict when an earthquake will occur, but you can create an earthquake plan to help protect your family and your home from disaster in the event of one.



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